Predicate: {inofaSam
Roleset id: 01 , be be disassembled, to be broken, to split
        Arg0: agent
        Arg3: instrument
انفصم المصفد عن الشباك بالمفتاح
        Arg1 : المصفد
        Gloss: the handcuff
        Arg2 : عن الشباك
        Gloss: from the window
        Arg3 : بالمفتاح
        Gloss: with a key
Roleset id: 02 , to stop or halt doing something
        Arg0: entity who stops doing (agent)
        Arg1: action stopped (theme) - marked by عن if both arguments are there
انفصم المحرك عن العمل
        Arg0 : المحرك
        Gloss: the engine
        Arg1 : عن العمل
        Gloss: working